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STUDENT PROGRAM Package is available to students actively enrolled in college-level courses or military members transitioning from service to career jobs.

The Student Program allows access to a 120-day license of E3:UNIVERSAL to use while completing the course and certification. The Student Package also includes access to the PMO, PCO, (formerly DSMO & P2CO) and PCDO training & certification courses. These courses are for new users of the software and focus on the operations of the E3 tool.

Certifications that are awarded if course is completed successfully are:

  • Paraben Mobile Operator

  • Paraben Computer Operator

  • Paraben Cloud Data Operator

An educational .EDU email address must be used to purchase this option or a letter must be submitted if transitioning from military service. All requests should be sent to [email protected].

CHFI Students are also eligible for the student package.

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Paraben Corporation

471 S 10th Ave, Gruetli Laager TN 37339, USA

Phone: 1.801.796.0944

[email protected]